Recipe notebook

White chocolate raspberry entremet, lime condiment and almond sweetness

Ingredients (serves 4)

Almond and praline dacquoise

35 g almond powder

30g praline

75 g powdered sugar

30 g caster sugar

3 egg whitesegg whites

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Mix the almond powder, praline and powdered sugar.. Beat the egg whites until stiff, then fold in the caster sugar towards the end. Gently fold the powders into the stiffly beaten egg whites, little by little, using a spatula. maryse. Spread on a baking sheet to a thickness of 1 cm. Bake at 190° for about 20 minutes after dusting with icing sugar. sugar.Cut the dough into the desired shapes.

White chocolate and lime ganache

100g white chocolate

30cl full cream

10g butter

Lime zest

Faire the cream, then pour chocolate cut into small pieces. Remuer vigorously to melt the chocolate. Addr the butter, cut into small pieces. Mixelanger to melt completely. Addr a few zests of lime to taste. Cool. Once cold, whip the mixture until stiff.

Raspberry mousse

100 g raspberries

20 cl full cream

30 g sugar and/or vanilla sugar

1 sheet gelatin

1 c. coffee rose water

Soak gelatine in cold water. Blend raspberriess and add rose water. Heat half of theu coulis and melt the gelatine. Then add to the remaining coulis.

Whip the cream until stiff. Add the (vanilla) sugar. Add delicately raspberry coulis. Set aside in a cool place

Raspberry, orange and lime syrup

80g raspberry juice or coulis

1 tablespoon honey

20cl orange juice

1 lime juice and lime zest

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. Reduce to a syrupy texture.. Strain the syrup. to Chinese. Make a reservation.

Almond lace tuile

125 g chopped almonds or praline or coconut grated (mixture possible)

250 g powdered sugar

60 g flour

100 g orange juice

125 g melted butter

1 lime zest

Mix flour and sugar. Add orange juice and melted butter. Add the chopped almonds and the lime zest. Let stand 1h. Heat the oven at 180°: form small plates on baking paper, spaced sufficiently apart, and until golden brown.. Carefully slide the baking paper off the baking sheet onto the work surface. Leave to cool.

Almond powder and slivered


for dressing

Roast the chopped almonds, slivered or whole almonds in a 150° oven mixing regularly. Reduce to a powder for dressing.

With the help of pockets piping bags, pipe the ganache, mousse on the dacquoise cookie. Place the tiles on the entremet.. Dwith a little syrup and sprinkle sprinkle with hazelnut and almond mixture.

Serve and enjoy,

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