Recipe notebook

Cloud egg and pea velouté

Recipe by Astrid Fronteau @chhhop

Ingredients (serves 4) :

4 Terroirs d’avenir organic eggs

1 small bunch chives

40 g Terra Candido Parmesan cheese

4 slices Paisano pancetta

1 kg unshelled peas Terroirs d’avenir

3 tablespoons Jean-Yves Bordier heavy cream

3 Terroirs d’avenir shallots

1 Ariake chicken stock

1 small bunch fresh mint

Jean-Yves Bordier semi-salted butter


Graines de Paradis Olivier Roellinger

Preparing the velouté :

Shell the peas. In a saucepan, melt a good knob of butter and sauté the chopped shallots. Add the peas and cream and simmer for 3 minutes over medium heat. Add the pre-brewed chicken stock and cover the vegetables to the brim. Cook for 15 minutes, until the peas are tender but bright green. Blend the soup, then sieve to obtain a smooth cream. Wash and finely chop the mint, then add to the mixture.

Egg preparation :

Preheat oven to 180°C. Separate the whites (in a bowl) from the yolks (in a small glass each). Beat egg whites until stiff, then add grated Parmesan, salt and chopped chives. On a baking sheet, line with baking paper and brush with oil. Place 4 small heaps of egg whites. With the back of a spoon, make a small well in the center of each. Bake for 4 or 5 minutes. To preserve a runny yolk, add them in the last minute of cooking, otherwise put them straight into the oven.

Finishing and straightening :

Pan-fry the pancetta until crisp.

Serve two ladles of cream of pea soup in 4 soup plates. Using a skimmer or large spoon, carefully place the cloud eggs on top, followed by a slice of pancetta.

Add two turns of the paradise seed mill.

Serve and enjoy.

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